

Alberto González

Backend Developer, Web Developer, Golang Developer, Microservices, REST APIs and more!


Skills & Experience

Backend web developer specialized in Golang with experience in creating, implementing and maintaining REST APIs for different web applications and also to manage SQL databases for data storage and queries.

I am currently working for an ecommerce company, implementing a 3rd party payment processing API (similar to Stripe). I am in charge of the whole integration, from planning, development and testing, to deployment.

My Skills

Backend Developer / Golang Developer

2022 - present

Senior IT Recruiter

2021 - 2022

LATAM Airlines

2020 - 2020

IT Recruiter

2019 - 2019

Tata Consultancy IT Services
Master's degree in organizational psychology

2019 - 2020

Adolfo Ibáñez University

2015 - 2019

Adolfo Ibáñez University

My Projects

Employee Management System

API REST application connected to MySQL that allows to manage your employees using CRUD principles. Hire nee employees, retrieve their information and if they doesnt work enough they can be fired.

To Do List App

To Do List is a CRUD app connected with MySQL database. You will be able to CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE tasks using a simple CLI with menu.

Music Album Library API

Simple API REST to create, delete and get music albums using GIN framework for web development and HTTP requests and responses in JSON format.

Web Portfolio

A simple web design using Boostrap and HTML templates to show my backend developer profile, my CV, skills and the projects I did from scratch. Includes a contact form that is linked to a MySQL database and configurated in Golang by myself.

Leetcode Problems

Leetcode problems solution by myself using Golang and MySQL. Every exercise includes the instructions, constraints and my solution of the problem with the performance. All of the solutions passes all the test cases provided by Leetcode.

Professional Interests

Web Development

I am interested in further developing and learning about web application development, creating clean, readable and high quality code using Golang and its main libraries (gin, gorm, gorilla, etc).


I am looking to improve my ability to build, develop and implement REST APIs, and learn gRPC architecture in the near future. At the API authentication/authorization level I already know Jason Web Tokens and would like to further improve its implementation and security.


I am currently developing in MySQL and I am studying PostgreSQL. I am also interested in learning about MongoDB.

Container Orchestration

I am very interested in learning more about container orchestration, using Dockers and Kubernetes in order to automate workloads and scale services as required by the organization.


I am looking to learn about Microservices, its development, organization and implementation, in order to be able to coordinate multiple services, applications and other components in order to generate high quality modularized applications.

Cloud Development

I am looking to improve my skills in the use of cloud services architecture such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS in order to bring value to organizations by reducing costs, improving efficiency and security of the company's data. My goal is to first learn about AWS as it dominates the market and then learn about GCP.

Let's have a coffee

Where I Live:

Madrid, Chamartín, España.

Call me:

+34 613836454

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